The Ultimate Sales Hack: Mindtickle’s Call AI Turbocharges Your Team’s Productivity

Meeting revenue targets isn’t just a goal—it’s a priority that comes “BAE” (Before Anything Else).

At Mindtickle, our mission revolves around assisting our customers in overcoming obstacles that obstruct the productivity of their sales teams.

Central to this mission is our product offering: Call AI, a conversation intelligence tool enablement and sales teams leverage to access customer conversations in one central repository while enabling them to analyze seller interactions and track deal progression effortlessly.

As we launch new features, we build solutions that address daily challenges that enablement teams and sales managers experience to enhance enablement and sales team experiences and improve overall productivity.

Let’s look at how Mindtickle’s latest set of features are simplifying the lives of enablement and sales teams.

Evaluating Call AI adoption

Enablement admins use several tools and platforms daily. While managing these tools and platforms is a top priority, understanding how they are used regularly and their adoption is critical to ensuring maximum utilization.

The challenge is that several existing solutions in the market do not provide these insights, leaving admins unable to gauge the effectiveness of their tool adoption strategies.

Our latest release addresses these challenges for our Call AI admins by providing frequent and timely insights into adoption trends. Whether analyzing calls reviewed by sales managers, feedback shared with sellers, or sharing calls internally or externally by sellers. We provide a holistic view of adoption metrics. These insights empower enablement admins to assess user behaviors and refine their Call AI adoption strategies.

Real-time access to Call AI data on the new data platform

Enablement admins need access to raw data beyond the standard reports available in Call AI analytics. However, there is no way to extract this data in real time we are addressing this challenge by providing real-time access to this data via Snowflake (NDP). Another challenge we saw while working with our customers was the inability to continuously develop dedicated integrations with each dialer in the market today.

In our upcoming release, we address this challenge by introducing a seamless SFTP-based integration solution that bridges the gap between Call AI and dialer systems.

Customers can now integrate Call AI with any dialer in the market, improving customer engagement, agent performance, and overall business outcomes. The solution ensures:

  • A seamless integration with dialers via a secure SFTP-based mechanism.
  • The highest level of data security, compliance, and encryption.
  • Insights and analytics derived from conversations.
  • Compatibility with a wide array of dialer systems facilitated through a secure SFTP mechanism.
  • User-friendly interface for easy adoption and utilization.

Empowering sales managers to select other stakeholders to coach sellers

Sales managers managing big teams are often inundated with so many other responsibilities that providing personalized coaching to sellers on calls is hard. Additionally, not having the ability to assign an expert or external training prevents sellers from being coached for specific calls could delay the effectiveness of sellers in the field.

In this release, we are addressing this challenge by enabling sales managers to assign a coach to reps whether it be:

  • Their reporting manager
  • An assigned mentor or peer to coach the seller
  • An external trainer or a group of trainers (coaching is outsourced) who can coach a rep on calls

This makes sales managers more efficient and ensures sellers receive the right guidance without unnecessary roadblocks.

Giving time back to sellers

Sales managers can find reviewing each seller call tedious. With a conversation intelligence tool, sellers can have all the sales calls in a centralized location. Mindtickle’s Call AI provides a Copilot interface to ask important questions and get appropriate insights.

However, this is not scalable if a sales manager has to listen to many calls.

Mindtickle Call AI summaries

We addressed this challenge by helping sellers stay on top of their calls. After each call, Call AI automatically generates a call summary that captures key highlights, attendees, and any action items for follow-up.

This summary is easily accessible for sales managers within the Call AI details page, via email, or available directly in the call record in Salesforce. The call summary ensures you have all the crucial information of the deal at your fingertips, saving time and keeping everyone aligned.

To learn more about how we continue to innovate and empower enablement and sales teams worldwide to improve productivity and achieve unprecedented revenue growth and success, register for the upcoming webinar, Sales Superheroes Unleashed: Transforming Sellers into Superstars with AI, on June 5, 2024.

Mindtickle's 2024 Spring Announcement webinar

Learn how forward-thinking teams can change sales behaviors at scale. Speakers from Cisco and International (formerly Navistar) will discuss how they use AI and other capabilities to positively impact their businesses.

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3 Ways Mindtickle is Making a Seller’s Job Easier Right Now

First and foremost, a seller’s job is to close business.

But all too often, their work time is filled with perfunctory tasks that distract from that job. At Mindtickle, we make it part of our mission to change that and help sellers sell more, faster, and easier.

In this post, I will highlight three new capabilities being announced as part of Mindtickle’s Spring 2024 product announcement, designed to help your sellers do their jobs more easily today.

#1. Utilize content in the flow of work

Every minute spent searching content repositories for the right datasheet or infographic is a minute that could be spent closing more business.

That’s why Mindtickle puts the content sellers need front and center in the most used tools. In addition to CRM and email integrations, sellers can now add content directly from Mindtickle’s Asset Hub to sales engagement sequences in Outreach and social posts in LinkedIn—there is no need to log into multiple tools to power their work with targeted content.

#2 Use AI to help you discover and leverage new and better content

Sellers frequently spend too much time looking for content because they don’t know what content exists. In too many cases, they end up using the same content in many different sales scenarios when better content might have been used had they known about it.

Now, Mindtickle uses AI to identify and list similar assets for reps whenever they view content within Mindtickle. That will help them discover and engage with new content, in a manner similar to how they engage with content on YouTube, Netflix, and other modern media platforms.

It will also point them to better, more targeted versions of content for specific sales scenarios, helping them use content to engage more customers and close more business.

#3 Collaborate with co-sellers seamlessly

Mindtickle’s Digital Sales Rooms have quickly become the preferred way for our customers’ sellers to engage with their buyers. These collaborative spaces allow buyers and sellers to interact with each other, share content back-and-forth, and track progress and align throughout the buying journey.

Now, as part of the 2024 Spring announcement, Mindtickle is releasing a new version of Digital Sales Rooms built to power collaboration between internal teams. Team selling has become increasingly the norm for high-touch B2B sales, and with more folks involved in the sales process, it becomes increasingly important to align your selling team step-by-step throughout the sales cycle.

Mindtickle’s internal rooms will give your teams a place to share content, communicate, and track progress. Whether you use these rooms for team selling, account planning, knowledge sharing, or any other internal collaboration needs, Mindtickle will help you sell more and better by working together.

While this post has focused on how these releases drive easier and better selling, I’d be remiss if I didn’t point out that these capabilities, as well as the entire Mindtickle platform, provide the same benefits to customer success reps, business development reps, marketers, and all the critical roles that dictate how your company goes to market. All these folks need to find and distribute content, so AI recommendations and flow-of-work integrations will save them time and help them do their revenue-generating activities more efficiently and effectively.

In particular, Mindtickle’s internal rooms present many exciting opportunities for different teams to coordinate their efforts and collaborate cross-functionally. Some use cases our customers have discovered for these rooms include:

  • Interactive landing pages for demand generation
  • User groups and customer communities
  • Digital event support
  • Onboarding groups
  • SKO breakouts and team exercises
  • Hiring portals
  • …and many more.

These three releases are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to how Mindtickle is innovating the future of selling. Register for our spring 2024 announcement webinar on June 5, 2024, to hear how Mindtickle is unlocking new productivity levels for GTM reps, front-line managers, enablement teams, and marketing leaders.

2024 Mindtickle Spring Announcement

Register for our upcoming webinar to learn more about the Spring launch and hear customer stories.

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7 Sales Pitch Examples (+ 10 Tips for A Winning Sales Pitch)

There’s no overestimating the importance of a good sales pitch — but where do the best pitch ideas come from? Do you always have to use sales pitch templates or is it better to do what feels best? And is there even a “right” way to sell something?

At the end of the day, it’s up to you and your teams to perfect your approach. Fortunately, there are plenty of good sales pitch examples out there to light the way.

Here’s how to make a sales pitch that really shines.

  1.  What is a sales pitch and why is it important?
  2.  What makes a good sales pitch?
  3.  Types of sales pitch
  4.  Mistakes to avoid while creating your sales pitch
  5.  Craft your perfect sales pitch

What is a sales pitch and why is it important?

According to Merriam-Webster, a sales pitch is “a speech that is given […] to persuade someone to buy something.” Seems simple, right?

Not so fast.

The complexity comes in when you consider a few key parts of that definition:

  • Format & pacing: How long should this pitch be? What format should it take?
  • Interactivity & engagement: Should you talk the whole time, or can customers ask questions?
  • Trust, credibility, & persuasion: What words do you use to establish trust, credibility, and persuade someone ? How much pressure is the right amount of pressure? What stats, testimonials, and other validation can you use to build trust?
  • Someone: Who is the customer? What do they want? What do they not want?
  • Something: What are you selling, what problem does it solve and how are you going to frame that?

That’s why it can be so difficult to know how to pitch a product: These variables mean there’s no “magic bullet” that will always win you a sale. Still, pitches are vital to customer experiences, relationships and potential transactions — so you can’t afford to wing it.

Instead, you need to find a template or approach that can be changed on the fly. The bones stay the same, but you dress them up in different ways depending on factors such as “who,” “what,” “why” and “how.”

Your mission is to build good bones — and that requires knowing what makes a good sales pitch.

What makes a good sales pitch?

Just a few factors are standing between compelling, memorable sales pitch ideas and totally forgettable ones:


If you want to master the “who” and “why” elements of your pitch, it’s critical to research your target audience and create buyer personas. This helps you know how to tailor your message depending on buyer intent, job description, pain points and more.

Unique selling proposition

Your unique selling proposition, or USP, is the thing that makes you stand out from the crowd; it’s the “what” and “how.” In many ways, all sales pitch templates should be built around your USP — because otherwise, you could be selling any product or service in the world.


Clear goals and objectives help keep your pitch on track. They also give you an easy way to judge success after the conversation — and to make improvements where necessary.


A sales pitch should always follow some kind of structure, for the same reason good stories have clear plots: You don’t want to lose your listener. The most basic example is:

  • Opening statement: This is your hook, where you get the customer’s attention or pique their curiosity.
  • Body: Here, you’ll share specific details, stats, use cases or benefits that highlight your USP and put your product or service in the spotlight.
  • CTA: The call to action inspires the customer to — you guessed it — take a specific action.

7 good sales pitch types

Need an example of a sales pitch? Look no further:

#1: Email sales pitch

All good sales pitch email examples have one thing in common: brevity. Here, powerful subject lines and preview text can work wonders — and simple, compelling body copy (ideally with bullet points) is your best friend. Most of the power rests on an eye-catching CTA button with clear value for your reader.


Hey [Recipient’s Name],
Hope you’re doing well. I came across your [work/article/profile] recently and was genuinely impressed. Would love to chat and share some ideas around [helping you solve Y problem]. Are you up for a virtual coffee next week?

Cheers, [Your Name]

#2: Phone pitch/cold call script for B2B sales

Business-to-business or B2B sales pitch examples are a little more difficult to pin down, particularly when they’re done over the phone. Cold calls can still work — they should just be highly personalized, relevant, and full of immediate value.

“Hey [Recipient’s Name], it’s [Your Name] here from [Your Company/Organization]. I stumbled upon your [work/profile/website] recently, and [X specific thing] caught my attention. Got a quick moment to chat?”

#3: Sales presentation pitch

If you go looking for sales pitch presentation examples, you’ll probably find a whole lot of PowerPoint. That’s not a problem, but it can be a limitation if you don’t follow best practices. Focus on creativity and clarity, keep your customer’s attention, and use the format to your advantage (that is, don’t just read exactly what’s written on your slides — let the media enhance your message).

What a great sales deck should include:

  • Strong opening: Capture your audience’s attention immediately. Start with a compelling customer story or fact related to your product or service.
  • Problem statement: Clearly identify the problem your product or service solves.
  • Solution: Introduce your product or service as the solution to the previously stated problem.
  • Benefits: Highlight the key benefits of your product or service, and how it stands out from competitors.
  • Testimonials and case studies: Showcase success stories or quotes from satisfied clients or customers.
    Product Demo or
  • Screenshots: If applicable, visually demonstrate how your product works.
  • Pricing and packages: Clearly lay out the cost and what’s included.
  • Team: Introduce key team members and their credentials, especially if they add credibility to your offering.
  • Call to Action: End with a clear CTA, whether that’s scheduling a follow-up meeting, starting a free trial, or another desired next step.
  • Contact Information: Always include an easy way for potential clients or investors to reach out.

#4: In-person sales pitch

In-person pitches present unique opportunities for connection. You can use tone indicators and body language cues that might not work as well in other formats — plus, you can read these same things from your customer. Build these pitches around real-time interactions and physical examples or visual aids where possible.

  • Build rapport: Utilize face-to-face interactions to create a personal connection. Start with small talk, read body language, and establish trust
  • Physical materials: Take advantage of tangible materials like brochures, samples, or prototypes.
  • Engage with demos: Live product demos can be more interactive. Let prospects touch, use, or experience your product/service.
  • Read the room: Observe audience reactions and adjust your pitch on-the-fly based on their body language and facial expressions.
  • Q&A: Spontaneous questions can arise, and you have the opportunity to address concerns immediately.
  • Venue considerations: Think about the location’s logistics, seating arrangements, audio/visual capabilities, and potential distractions

#5: Elevator pitch

An elevator pitch summarizes a lot of details in a short period of time — which means it has to be informative and compelling at the same time. Prioritize the most important, interesting, or valuable parts of your story and leave the details for a longer conversation.

Here’s an example of an elevator pitch you can use in your own outreach:

“Hi, I’m Alex from AquaPure.

Did you know that over 2 billion people lack access to safe drinking water? Our portable, eco-friendly water purification system can purify any freshwater source in just 30 seconds, making it safe to drink.

We envision a world where clean drinking water is always within reach, no matter where you are. Imagine the impact we could make together!”

This pitch is effective because it:

  • States the problem: Highlights a significant global issue.
  • Introduces a solution: Describes the product’s unique selling point.
  • Invokes emotion: The idea of making a positive change in the world.
  • Ends with a Call to Action: Invites the listener to be part of the solution

#6: Follow-up sales pitch

When making a follow-up sales pitch, the focus is on continuing, expanding, and enriching a conversation to close more deals. That means you want to recall specific details from the previous interaction and respond intuitively to approaches that worked.

Subject: Thank you for Yesterday’s Discussion – Next Steps for [Your Product/Service]

Hello [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. Firstly, thank you for taking the time yesterday to discuss [Your Product/Service]. I appreciate your insights and feedback on how it aligns with [Recipient’s Company’s objectives/needs].

To recap our conversation:

  • Benefit A of our product can address [specific challenge they have].
  • Our recent success with [similar company or case study] showcases the results you can anticipate.
  • I’ve attached [a case study, product specs, trial version, etc.] for your further consideration, as discussed.

You had a great question about [specific question]. I’ve looked into this and [provide a detailed answer or solution].

#7: Social media pitch

With internet users worldwide spending an average of 151 minutes per day on social media, this is a perfect chance to reach customers where they’re at. Social media pitches should be slightly less formal, more action-oriented and — above all — brief.

Here’s an example of a social media pitch:

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I’ve been following [Company’s Name] and am truly impressed with your recent [specific campaign or content piece, e.g., “brand relaunch”]. As a Content Marketing Strategist with over 7 years in the industry, I’ve assisted brands like [Brand A, Brand B] in boosting their online engagement by an average of 40%.

I see potential areas where [Company’s Name] could further enhance its content reach and engagement, especially in [specific area, e.g., “interactive content” or “SEO-driven blog posts”]. I’d love to discuss a few strategies that could align with your current efforts and drive tangible results.

Would you be open to a brief call or discussion next week? I promise to keep it concise and value-packed.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

Mistakes to avoid while creating your sales pitch

Fine-tune your sales pitch templates with these 10 tips:



Craft your perfect sales pitch

At the end of the day, all the B2B sales pitch examples in the world won’t make a difference if you don’t have the right content management and sales enablement solutions on your side. Fortunately, Mindtickle is here to help.

By providing the perfect coaching and training to your reps, Mindtickle helps you master the “who,” “what,” “why” and “how.” Deliver the right content at the right time, learn from previous conversations, and help your teams bring sales pitch templates to life.

Train all your sellers on the perfect pitch

Connect with our team to see how Mindtickle will help you build a team of sellers who can deliver the perfect pitch each time.

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This post was originally published in September 2023 and was updated in May 2024.