How Digital Sales Rooms Help Reps Win More Deals

On average, there are 27 interactions in the buyer journey before a decision is reached. These interactions range from phone conversations to email chains to instant messaging. Each step is an instance where information can be misplaced or forgotten, and sales momentum lost.

# of interactions in the buyer journey before a decision is made

The good news is that this type of back-and-forth communication can be replaced with a digital sales room — a single and permanent location for potential buyers to find all your sales information instantly.

Digital sales rooms (DSRs) give prospects a personalized buying journey with content that is tailored to their business needs and goals. As well, they help sales reps understand which content leads to closed deals and improved close rates.

What you’ll learn:

  • How digital sales rooms streamline the buying journey
  • Why empowering buyers can improve your close rates
  • How to create compelling buying experiences using DSRs

What are digital sales rooms and how do they work?

Digital sales rooms work through a client-seller portal. Here, sales reps create a DSR or virtual sales platform, which essentially serves as a resource and storage location for all the content a buyer needs to make an informed purchase decision.

Similar to a showroom, digital sales rooms are created specifically for each customer, where they can view product demos, have their questions answered, and keep track of all the conversations and information they have with your reps. Depending on the needs of the buyer, content can include product proposals, testimonies, order forms, or service proposals. Once the portal is created, buyers are given access through a unique link.

Digital sales rooms are also connected to sales enablement platforms. This is an added benefit for sales reps, as they can gather insights on how prospects interact with content and where further content needs to be included for future negotiations.


Digital sales rooms empower your buyers

Digital sales rooms improve close rates by empowering buyers with all the information they need to confidently finalize a purchase. Thanks to the personalized sales cycles and customized content management DSRs offer, Gartner predicts that by 2026, 30% of B2B sales cycles will be managed through their use.

Digital sales rooms improve the digital sales experience by:

  • Offering a platform to answer any questions or concerns with instant two-way communication
  • Improving engagement with customers through an interactive portal
  • Improving understanding of buyer behavior and the buyer journey by capturing data on client interactions and patterns
  • Providing access to the newest product features and offerings
  • Building relationships, providing content to address questions, and helping clients feel supported and valued
Amount of time during the sales cycle spent with a rep
0 %

These days, only 17% of the B2B buying cycle is spent with a sales rep. With digital sales rooms, buyers can drive the sales cycle but the content they interact with is still controlled and delivered by sellers.

How to create compelling custom buying experiences using DSRs

If you’re thinking about introducing a DSR into your selling process, follow these tips to close more deals.

Personalize the digital sales room experience to your buyer

Your digital sales room should help your prospect through their buyer journey, aiding in their research without overwhelming them with irrelevant content.

Upload content that is meaningful and relevant to your buyer. For example, if your prospect is at the start of their journey, they’ll be interested in content that explains product features and articles on comparisons with competitors. However, if they’re closer to signing off on the purchase, content for next steps, like payment options and implementation processes, will be more relevant.

To know which content to include, ask yourself:

  • What are your prospects searching for on the internet?
  • At what stage are they in their buyer journey?
  • What solutions does your product provide for their business?
  • What roadblocks are preventing them from buying?
  • Do they need to share this content with other stakeholders?

To drive high buyer engagement, Include content that has already proved itself based on data from your sales enablement platform or past experience.

Where possible, personalize the content to include the prospect’s name, position, and company. So content is being received in the most persuasive way possible, you can even use terminology that is specific to their industry.

Have support accessible at all times

If your buyer doesn’t find the information they need immediately, you risk them getting frustrated and looking for answers elsewhere, potentially with a competitor.

In your digital sales room, it’s a good practice to include a support channel that is accessible at all times. Or, have an in-room chat option to ask and answer any buyer questions in a centralized platform where no information will be lost.

Make your content unique with purposeful interaction

Your content needs to meet your buyer at their stage of the journey. Answer the questions they have at that stage and guide them through the digital sales experience to the next. But that certainly doesn’t mean that your content should be monotonous.

On the contrary, your potential buyers should feel curious to learn about your product through content that is interactive and engaging.

You want prospects to remember your content, and that means forgoing long Word documents and instead leaning into videos, infographics, product demos, slide shows, and fun visual documents.

Always make the next steps clear

Guide the buyer down the sales funnel with clear next steps and actions. Not only does this direct prospects to the final closure, but it also gives insight into prospective roadblocks in the process and indicates where content is missing. Some things to keep in mind:

  • Create and embed customized CTAs into each content piece to drive the buyer through their learning journey.
  • Create a checklist or an action plan built from past successful seller experiences outlining what the next steps or content to consume should be.

With clear next steps, you make sure that the buyer is staying on track and making progress toward their final purchase.

Keep the content on brand to elevate purchase desire

You want buyers to feel the brand throughout the buying process so that they establish a connection with your product. Here are things to keep in mind:

  • Deliver your brand’s value and purpose to your buyer with every content interaction
  • Customize your digital sales rooms to reinforce the look and feel of your company
  • Position your content as an enhancement of your business values and tone

By keeping your content on brand, you avoid creating false expectations. Instead, your content clearly communicates the benefits and objectives the product can fulfill.

Include a product demo

Product demos give users an opportunity to see firsthand the benefits your product or service can provide.

Access to demos helps prospects fully understand the features and product capabilities as well as allowing them to imagine the time they can save and the problems they can solve by using your product.

With demos available, sellers can directly question the prospect’s particular needs and show them how to solve their problems.

Your DSR is only as good as your sales content

When you’ve got a great potential buyer visiting your digital sales room, the real driver is the content you provide.

Use insights from past sales processes to deliver the most impactful content to your buyers at each stage of the buyer journey. This will enhance the buyer experience and simplify the selling process. The sales materials should educate the buyer without hard selling the product or service. The idea is to help the buyer become empowered in their purchase decision.

Ready to see DSRs in Action?

One secure, shared space for all content, communication, and deal planning.

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This post was originally published in October 2022, was updated in August 2023, and again in January 2024. 

How to Develop a Solid Sales Enablement Content Strategy

Nearly three decades ago, Bill Gates penned a famous article about how “content is king.” Today, this sentiment still rings true – especially in the world of sales.

Sales enablement content is a key ingredient for sales success. When it’s done right, sales content can help sales organizations improve team performance, engage buyers, and ultimately, close more deals.

However not all sales enablement content is created equal. While some sales enablement content is frequently used and proven to move deals forward, other content ends up sitting on the shelf unused.

A solid sales enablement content strategy ensures you have more of that first kind of sales enablement content.

In this article, we’ll explore what sales enablement content is and the types of sales enablement content commonly used by sales teams. We’ll also share tips and tools for creating an effective sales enablement strategy that’ll help your sales teams confidently take on any deal that comes their way.

What is sales enablement content?

Sales enablement content is a powerful asset for new and veteran sellers alike. When sales reps have the right sales enablement content, they’re better able to attract, engage, and convert buyers.

But what is sales enablement content? Essentially, sales enablement content is any content asset developed to help a sales rep succeed in the field.

Some sales enablement content is developed for internal use. Typically, the goal of this content is to provide education to sellers. For example, some organizations create sales battlecards to help sales reps understand how they stack up against their competitors. Often, these sales battlecards are for internal use only.

Other sales enablement content is for external use. Members of the revenue team can share this sales enablement content with prospects as a way to convey or reinforce information about their products or services.

For example, a sales rep might share a case study with a prospect to help them understand how a similar company overcame challenges by using a specific product or service.

What are some sales enablement content examples?

There are many different types of sales enablement content used by sales teams. Let’s take a closer look at some common sales enablement content examples.


Often, sales organizations provide scripts to help sales reps scale their outreach while ensuring they stay on message. The organization may develop call scripts – including those that can be used for cold calls and demos. In addition, organizations may equip their sales reps with email templates that they can use as a starting point for their digital outreach.

Competitive battlecards

Per Semrush, 57% of all sales deals are competitive. That number is even higher in certain industries.

Sales battlecards are a type of sales enablement content that helps sales reps understand how their solutions slack up against that of their competitors. Some sales battlecards compare a company’s offerings to a single competitor. Other sales battlecards compare a company’s solutions to multiple competitors. In addition, some sales battlecards are for internal use only, while others are developed to be shared with prospects.

Enablement collateral

Often, teams create a variety of sales enablement content that sales reps can share with prospects throughout the sales cycle. Those assets might include sales presentations, one-pagers providing an overview of specific product offerings, ebooks, and case studies – among others.

Marketing collateral

Some marketing teams develop assets including ebooks and whitepapers. Typically, these assets are developed to educate prospects on a specific industry issue or challenge; they’re not usually promotional. Ebooks and whitepapers can be great resources to share with prospects to demonstrate thought leadership and bolster trust.

Case studies and testimonials

Case studies are a common type of external sales enablement content. Case studies tell the story of how your solution has helped other companies solve their challenges. Case studies provide social proof – which can be a powerful motivator for buyers. They are especially effective for prospects who are further along in the funnel.


Videos are a more interactive form of sales enablement content. Videos can be internal. For example, the sales enablement team may create a video series to educate sellers on a new product. Or, videos can be customer-facing. For example, the marketing team may develop a demo video for sales reps to share with prospects.

What is a sales enablement content strategy and why is it important?

All too often, organizations develop content that they think will help sales reps – and then hope for the best. The result is that teams spend valuable time creating these resources, but they end up sitting unused. In addition, new sales enablement content is created on an ad hoc basis.

It’s not surprising that this approach isn’t effective.

Instead, organizations need a sales enablement content strategy. But what is a sales enablement content strategy? And what are some sales enablement strategy examples?

A sales enablement content strategy is the foundation for success with sales enablement content. It ensures all stakeholders (including sales, marketing, sales enablement, customer success, and product – among others) are aligned on the organization’s content initiatives.

A documented sales content strategy spells out:

  • What your goals are for your sales enablement content
  • Who the audience is for your sales enablement content
  • What types of content you’ll create to achieve your goals (including the sales enablement content examples we outlined earlier)
  • How you’ll measure the success (or failure) of your sales enablement content

A solid sales enablement content strategy can help boost seller performance. A great sales enablement strategy helps ensure sellers have the information, knowledge, and resources they need. That means they’re more likely to be successful in the field.

In addition, a sales strategy can help improve the sales process. Today’s buyers do plenty of research before reaching out to a buyer. A sales enablement strategy ensures sellers can share content that adds value and goes beyond the basic information buyers can easily uncover on their own.

How to create a sales enablement content strategy

Creating a great sales enablement content strategy can boost seller performance and improve customer experiences. But creating a sales enablement content strategy can seem overwhelming, especially if you’re used to a more random approach to sales enablement content development.

Creating a sales content strategy doesn’t have to be a daunting process. Here are some proven tips you can use to make the process easier.

Your sales reps are meeting with prospects all day long. Ask them for feedback on what challenges they regularly face in the field. In addition, ask them what types of content they typically use – and what additional types of content they think would be helpful. You may also want to ask them why they don’t use certain sales enablement content assets.

Take inventory of your sales enablement content. If you use a sales content management platform, this should be relatively easy.

Your inventory should include both internal and external content. Make a note of which content is in need of updates – and which should be eliminated completely.

In addition, tap into data to see what content is being used, how often it’s being used, and whether it’s improving outcomes. Your sales content management platform should provide data, analytics, and dashboards that shed light on usage and effectiveness of your existing sales enablement content.

Different sales enablement content is effective at different stages in the buying process. For example, a thought leadership piece like an ebook or a whitepaper is a great asset for prospects early on the purchase journey. A case study, on the other hand, is more likely to resonate further down in the funnel.

Be sure to map your customer journey. Then, identify which existing sales enablement content fits into each stage.

Once you’ve gotten feedback from your sales team, taken an inventory of your existing sales enablement content, and mapped that content to your customer journey, you should have a good idea of where there are gaps.

Once you’ve identified gaps in your sales enablement content, it’s time to create content to fill those gaps. This should be a collaborative effort among teams including sales, marketing, and sales enablement.

In some cases, sales enablement content is distributed through email. Other sales organizations use a service like Google Drive or Dropbox to store and distribute sales enablement content.

These approaches make it hard for sellers to find the content they need. What’s more, your sellers are likely using outdated sales enablement content.

A better approach is to store your sales enablement content in a complete revenue productivity platform that incorporates sales enablement content management capabilities. That way, sales reps can easily find the content they’re looking for – any time and from any device. The right sales content management platform also helps ensure sellers are always using the most up-to-date sales enablement content.

Developing great sales enablement content is important. But so too is ensuring your sellers know it exists – and how to use it. Be sure to provide sales enablement, training, and coaching so your sellers know how to effectively use the sales enablement content that is available to them.

It’s important to measure the performance of your sales enablement content on a regular basis. That way, you know whether your sales enablement content is helping you achieve your goals.

Ongoing measurement can shed light on opportunities to eliminate content, create new content, and update existing content to improve efficacy.

Developing a sales enablement content strategy isn’t a one-time event. Instead, you should regularly revisit your strategy to ensure it keeps up with the evolving needs and goals of your business.

Take your sales enablement content strategy to the next level with Mindtickle

Great sales enablement content helps sellers confidently navigate every deal that comes their way. A solid sales enablement strategy is foundational.

But creating a sales enablement content is just the first step. Sales organizations must also ensure their sellers know what sales enablement content is available, where to find it, and how to use it.

Mindtickle Asset Hub

Mindtickle’s sales enablement content management capabilities allow reps to quickly and easily find the right content for each sales scenario. In addition, sales enablement teams can deliver training and enablement to ensure sales reps know how to use the content that’s available to them. Finally, sales leaders can measure the effectiveness of each sales enablement content asset. They can see whether the asset is being used – and whether it’s improving seller performance and deal outcomes. These insights can help ensure organizations prioritize their time on sales content that’s proven to work.


Sales Content Management in Mindtickle

Ready to see how Mindtickle can equip your sellers with the sales content, training, and insights they need to close more deals?

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Sirion: Modernizing and Accelerating Sales with Digital Sales Rooms

Sirion, a global leader in enterprise Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) software, is demonstrating how proper alignment between revenue and enablement leaders, in combination with the right technology, can unlock new opportunities for deal acceleration and revenue growth.

In a case study session at Gartner’s 2023 CSO and Sales Leader Conference in Las Vegas, Gordon Thompson, Sirion’s EVP of Presales and Business Strategy, and Nick Salas, Senior. Director of Global Enablement, discussed how arming their team with Digital Sales Rooms, powered by Mindtickle, is transforming how their team sells and how their buyers engage with their offerings.

Aligning to the buyer journey

According to Gartner, 64% of buyers see no differentiation in vendor digital experiences.** But Sirion wasn’t going to settle for blending in with the crowd.

Sirion decided to add Mindtickle’s Digital Sales Rooms (DSRs) to their revenue tech stack because they saw the promise of how these persistent, collaborative spaces could help buyers and sellers align around the goals, needs, and tasks of their customers’ buying journey.

“We wanted to stand out from the crowd by providing more self-service information and more engaging experiences for our buyers and Mindtickle’s Digital Sales Rooms have helped us do exactly that.”
Gordon Thompson headshot
Gordon Thompson
EVP, Pre-Sales and Business Strategy

Their buying groups are commonly quite large, sophisticated, and detail-driven, and Sirion’s revenue and enablement leaders hoped that DSRs would help their buyers navigate the sometimes complicated evaluation process.

Sirion buying groups

Digital Sales Rooms

  • Large groups of evaluators
  • Sophisticated and experienced
  • Careful and detail-driven
  • Many steps and milestones
  • Unlimited collaborators
  • Engaging content experiences
  • Granular engagement tracking
  • Mutual action plans & task management

Earning seller buy-in and adoption

In part because they recognized the potential of DSR tech to transform the relationship between their sellers and buyers, they were planning to invest significantly in helping their sales team understand how to leverage this new capability. However, Sirion was pleasantly surprised at the speed with which their sellers and buyers took to this new collaborative model.

"Within three months of launching Digital Sales Rooms, we were seeing rooms being built for over 50% of new opportunities, and our sellers were letting us know how easy they were to use and how much they were helping."
Nick Salas headshot
Nick Salas
Sr. Dir. Global Enablement, Sirion

Accelerating complex deals

Gordon and Nick shared a powerful example of the impact Digital Sales Rooms have on deals at Sirion.

The Buyer

Digital Sales Rooms results

  • Fortune 100 tech company
  • Large, undefined buying group
  • Stakeholders from various business units and departments
  • Visited by over 100 participants of the buyer group
  • Earned over 1000 hours of self-service engagement with Sirion content

After Sirion’s reps closed this critical deal, the buying group reached out to comment on their experience with the Digital Sales Room specifically.

"They came to us asking us what tech we were using for the deal room because they saw how much easier it made it for them to navigate their own buying process. We told them to talk to Mindtickle."
Nick Salas headshot
Nick Salas
Sr. Dir. Global Enablement

See DSRs in action

Learn more about how Mindtickle’s Digital Sales Rooms can help you transform your buyer experience and accelerate your most critical deals.

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**Gartner, 4 Steps for CSOs to Improve the Digital Buying Experience, 22 September 2022. GARTNER is a registered trademark and service mark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved.**

Mindtickle Named a Leader in The Forrester Wave(™): Sales Readiness Solutions, Q4 2023

Earlier today, Forrester, one of the most influential research and advisory firms in the world, released its 2023 Wave for Sales Readiness, evaluating the 11 most significant sales readiness solutions providers. Mindtickle was named a leader in the Sales Readiness Solutions, Q4 2023 Wave, with the top score in the Strategy category.

About the Forrester Wave(™): Sales Readiness Solutions, Q4 2023

Forrester releases Wave reports on a variety of technology categories that are considered essential guides for organizations that are evaluating and purchasing technology. The Forrester Wave reports contain a graphical representation of Forrester’s call on a market and is plotted using a detailed spreadsheet with exposed scores, weightings, and comments.

For the 2023 Sales Readiness Wave, Forrester evaluated the 11 most significant sales readiness solution providers. Sales readiness vendors, as defined by Forrester, deliver “advanced capabilities and integrations that empower enablement teams to correlate sales results data with learning program information to determine which efforts have a real business impact”.

“Mindtickle offers superior end-user experience, coaching support, and analytics.”
Forrester green logo
Forrester Research
Forrester Wave(™): Sales Readiness Solutions, Q4 2023


Results of the Wave

Mindtickle was named a leader in the Sales Readiness Wave. According to the report, “Mindtickle has a robust feature set that exceeds expectations in standard readiness functionality and adds unique functionality that provides best-in-class visibility to measure the effectiveness of seller learning programs.”

Mindtickle’s road to a Sales Readiness Wave leader

As cited by the report, “Mindtickle has been in the sales readiness space since 2011 and has built a reputation for providing a strong sales readiness platform with customers’ continuous innovation. It has recently added sales content management capabilities and DSR functionality to augment its readiness platform, and has dedicated significant resources to achieving parity within the sales content market.”

Mindtickle has been delivering readiness solutions to leading organizations for over a decade and has invested heavily in adding key capabilities to the platform arming enablement and operations leaders with the ability to transform the performance of their go-to-market teams.

In recent years, Mindtickle has launched conversation intelligence and content management in the platform, completely revamped its coaching offerings, acquired the leading Digital Sales Rooms provider, and introduced a suite of generative AI capabilities.

As part of the Readiness Wave, Forrester also evaluates vendors’ innovation, strategy, and roadmap. Mindtickle achieved the highest scores in the Strategy category, noting, “The company will have to execute on its broad roadmap, but it has a long history of meeting development goals.”

If you want to learn more about how Mindtickle can elevate readiness and enablement at your organization, reach out for a tailored demo and discussion with our readiness experts today.

See Mindtickle In Action

See Why Forrester Named Mindtickle a Leader in its Readiness Wave. 

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7 Takeaways from the 2023 Forrester B2B Summit

Last week’s Forrester B2B Summit in Austin, Texas brought together revenue leaders, Forrester analysts, and rev-tech vendors to share their insights and strategies for revenue excellence. From discussions on sales competencies to aligning sales and marketing, the sessions offered valuable takeaways for businesses looking to thrive in the dynamic B2B landscape.

In this blog post, we’ll share key highlights and actionable tips from the sessions we attended and led as well as conversations we had throughout the event. You can also check out a mini photo gallery of some of our team at the event. 

This post is for anyone who didn’t attend the Summit and wants to know our biggest learnings or for those who joined us in Austin and need a recap to reference as you start thinking about how to bring these learnings to your own revenue organization. 

The booth troop!

Packed house

80s theme night

Another great session

One of the essential ingredients for sales success is having a clear understanding of your sales competencies. Before seeking a vendor or investing in tools, it’s crucial to evaluate and define your sales capabilities. By identifying your strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement, you can make informed decisions that align with your specific needs.

Measuring the success of your revenue enablement programs can be challenging, especially as they evolve over time. While initial indicators like adoption or consumption can be helpful, it’s essential to go beyond surface-level metrics. Gathering feedback on program quality and data on actual impact can provide valuable insights for continuous improvement. Measure how your programs are impacting field behaviors and how those behaviors are contributing to core revenue outcomes.

Revenue leaders and managers recognize the value of training coaches to be effective mentors. However, finding the time for sales coaching is often a challenge. To maximize impact, it’s crucial to prioritize coaching and invest in the development of your sales coaches. By equipping them with the necessary skills and tools, you empower them to guide and support your revenue generators effectively.

Forrester’s Phyllis Davidson and Peter Ostrow taught us how to avoid “sales content purgatory,” where reps have access to tons of content but can’t find what they need or figure out how to use it. This aligns with what we found in our 2023 State of Sales Productivity Report. The vast majority of content engagement comes from a small percentage of the content to which reps have access. To stay out of “purgatory” focus on quality over quantity. Prioritize high-value content and make derivatives of that content that apply to specific audiences, personas, and selling scenarios.

Continuing the motif of “quality over quantity,” Forrester’s Amy Bills and Jennifer Bullock applied this to the creation of customer case studies. Instead of producing a case study with every available customer, focus on creating a few high-quality stories that address common customer questions and concerns. Furthermore, involving the sales organization in the creation process ensures that case studies align with their specific sales motions. Remember, having case studies alone isn’t the solution; enabling sellers to effectively utilize them is key.

In a standing-room-only session, Kathleen Pierce proposed a shift toward mapping content to buyer questions as an effective structure for sales content. By aligning content with specific buyer questions, it becomes easier for reps to search for and find relevant content for the selling situations they encounter. It also maximizes content’s impact on buyer decisions. Work with your field teams to understand key questions and friction points, and implement a question-answer framework within your sales content management system.

Pierce and Anne Slough explored the challenges and potential of Digital Sales Rooms. While DSRs have promising benefits, widespread adoption struggles remain. Mutual action plans, real-time insights, and buyer collaboration are key value drivers for DSRs. Sales leaders should assign DSRs to solve problems such as substandard buying experiences, inefficient sales processes, and longer buying cycles. Communication of GDPR compliance and mapping DSRs to selling and buying processes are crucial for success.

Making these learnings a reality at your selling org

The Forrester B2B Summit delivered valuable insights and actionable strategies for businesses aiming to enhance their sales performance. Keep these takeaways in mind as you’re building out your revenue productivity strategy for the rest of the year.  

Want to see how Mindtickle can help make these learnings a reality at your selling organization?P

Video: 3 Tips for Optimizing Your Tech Stack

In this video, Christian Pieper, Senior Product Marketing Manager at Mindtickle, talks about your tech stack and how to make it a finely tuned machine. He outlines how organizations should approach optimizing their tech stack by building its strength rather than simply trimming it down for the sake of it. Christian then shares why it’s important to carefully consider how each tool works with one another, prioritizing solutions, and ensuring each tool fits into sellers’ current workflows.

Key highlights

  • Make the right cuts but don’t sacrifice too much. Everyone is under pressure to get the most out of their tech investments and for many, that means making significant cuts. However, sales productivity tools don’t end up on the cutting room floor just for the sake of shedding tools.
  • Keep them connected. Point solutions do some things very well, but they are often in isolation. Ensure your tools are integrated and working in cohesion with one another, otherwise, you’ll struggle to get the adoption, usage, and results you want.
  • Don’t disrupt seller workflows. Look at where sellers currently spend their time. Whether it’s Salesforce, email, or another engagement tool, make sure the tools are meeting sellers where they are and helping push deals forward.

In case you’d like to read these tips rather than watch the video, we’ve included the transcription below.

Video transcription

Hello, I’m Christian and I’m with the Product Marketing team at Mindtickle. I’m here to share with you three essential insights for optimizing your sales tech stack, right? This is a big priority for lots of organizations, probably for yours. We wanna make sure that you get the results that you’re looking for.

So number one, don’t just slim your tech stack, tone it. We hear this all the time: “We need to trim our tech stack. Make it smaller and simpler so we have less friction for our sellers.” And that’s super important. But think about it this way. You could take all the tech away and give them the simplest solution, but it wouldn’t get the outcomes that you’re looking for.

Make sure you aren’t sacrificing important capabilities in the process of simplifying your tech offering for your, for your sellers, right? Think about it from a fitness perspective. Yes, you want to trim. I know I do, but you also want to build strength or you’re not going to get the health outcomes that you’re looking for. You’re just gonna become small, weak, and shriveled, and we do not want that for your tech stack.

Number two, continuing with the anatomy metaphor. Look for solutions that have connective tissue. It doesn’t matter how strong a muscle is, right? If it’s not connected to other muscles and muscle groups by tendons and ligaments, you won’t be able to do anything with that.

It’s the same thing for your tech stack. You can look for point solutions, things that do one thing really well, but if they’re isolated, if they don’t share data and information and functionality and workflows with the rest of your solutions, then you just have really strong things working in isolation, and you’re going to struggle to get the results that you want for your sellers.

In fact, in the most recent, now, tech on sales enablement and automation, Forrester recommends a litmus test for point, solutions: Do they integrate seamlessly with everything else you’re using? If not, you might be better off looking for solutions that integrate better or are part of a native platform of comprehensive readiness tools. Otherwise, you may end up with something much less than a best-in-breed approach. Solutions that may work well on their own, but don’t cooperate to get the outcomes you want.

Number three, prioritize just-in-time solutions delivered in the natural flow of work. You need to understand how your sellers are behaving because while you can change it over time and you should try to optimize their behavior, you’ll get better results quicker from your tech investment if you find solutions that meet them where they are now and expand the efficacy of their natural sales motions, right?

So where are they spending their time? In the CRM? In engagement platforms? In enablement tools? In sales, content management libraries? Where are they spending their time now? And how can you find additional solutions that expand the value in their access to the information that they need within that natural flow?

So as you’re bringing something on, ask yourself: does this meet our sellers where they’re working? Does this integrate with email? Does it integrate with the CRM in the way that we need it to? If you focus on that, then you’re going to be giving sellers the power that they need, right when they need it, right where they are to drive real deals forward in the field.

And that’s really what you want. Those are our three tips for optimizing your sales tech stack, and I hope they help you out on your readiness journey.

Consolidate your tech stack

Let's talk about how Mindtickle can streamline your revenue enablement tech stack so you can cut down on costs and ramp up your productivity. 

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