Included with the TEACH package, Mindtickle shall provide the following Professional Services:
Included with the PREDICT package, Mindtickle shall provide the following Professional Services:
Included with the SELL package, Mindtickle shall provide the followings services in addition to the PREDICT package:
Following Professional Services will be provided:
As part of the CallAI Implementation package, Mindtickle shall provide the following Professional Services:
Out of Scope:
As part of the Asset Hub Implementation package, Mindtickle shall provide the following Professional Services:
Out of Scope:
As part of the Digital Sales Room Implementation package, Mindtickle shall provide the following Professional Services:
As part of the Readiness Index Implementation package, Mindtickle shall provide the following Professional Services:
Follow-up meetings: Setup, Q&A, troubleshooting, launch
Included with the Professional Services Advisory Package, MindTickle shall provide following services based on the number of hours purchased:
Mindtickle will provide a resource (“Consultant”) for providing PS Advisory Services subject to the following terms and conditions:
The following services are not in the scope of the contract and may require additional fees to be delivered. In the event that an out-of-scope service is deemed necessary, both MindTickle and the Customer shall collaborate to ascertain and document the service’s scope, level of effort, and tasks through a change order. Out-of-scope services include, but are not limited to, the following:
If during the integration process, Mindtickle determines that the Customer has SSO, HRMS, and other business applications which prevent a standard integration with the Mindtickle Platform, then Mindtickle will work with the Customer to estimate the additional integration effort involved and submit a change order to Customer for approval before continuing with the integration work.
Out-of-scope services include, but are not limited to, the following:
When Customers require additional services or scope, Mindtickle will work jointly with Customer on a Statement of Work agreement to analyze and document the scope, level of effort, tasks, and additional fees.
Following Professional Services will be provided:
Mindtickle will staff a Professional Services Consultant, Technical Solutions Architect, Technical Solutions Engineer and Managed services admin as needed to provide the agreed-upon services.
Mindtickle Staff Role | Responsibilities |
Professional Services Consultant |
Technical Solutions Architect |
Technical Solutions Engineer |
Managed services admin |
Customer will staff a team responsible for the duties of the roles below and any additional roles as required.
Customer Staff Role | Description |
Enablement Owner
Program Manager |
Content Author |
Enablement Admin |
Project Manager |
IT Admin/Developer |
Customers will provide timely access to all necessary resources, including personnel, content, IT systems, etc. as necessary for Mindtickle to provide the Services.
Customers agrees to perform the following activities and/or prepare the following pre-requisites for each implementation package:
Package | Customer responsibilities or pre-requisites |
Teach |
Enable |
Predict, Sell |
Transform |
If Customer procured SKO Services through respective Order, the scope and description of SKO Services is described here
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